
Child Soldiers Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Worldwide, the use of child soldiers is a huge issue. Today, there are over 300,000 child soldiers worldwide. Every one of these soldiers are heavily armed and dangerous. They have been becoming a threat to America and the world. No matter their age, they have done terrible thing in behalf of terrible causes. Even as America continues to bring these kids to back in hope to rescue them, most if not all attempts to civilize them have failed. These kids have been swindled, drugged and brainwashed. There is simply no hope for them to return to their right mind.
Even though kids under the age of 12 can’t be held accountable for crimes and actions, what these child soldiers are doing would cause a lifetime sentence in prison for any adult. Child soldiers have been involved in the most brutal acts. In an article that discusses the issue it says,”In Sierra Leone, child soldiers have committed acts of rape, mutilations and mass killings of civilians.” This is just only one of the many times child soldiers would do such a thing as this. Nobody in their right mind would participate in such act. Such things are inhuman and whoever is caught in the act, no matter the age, should be stopped or even put to death. …show more content…

Whoever says such a thing is wrong. Many if not most of these children occupy command positions and are responsible for organizing or ordering commision war crimes and human right abuses. Many also join according to their free will because some terrorist groups offer money. Or one may join to avenge a lost family member or friend. These children knew exactly what they were doing and should not be excused from their actions simply because they were too young to take responsibility for their

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