The impact of technology in the 20th century is growing and benefiting numerous amounts of people to make their lives easier; sending an email, scrolling through social media, and reading newspaper articles can all be done in one device. With more advanced technology in the future, this is troublesome for many young children. Since children are becoming more attached to technology, this can lead to numerous factors that can defect the development of a child. In this case, technology not only affects a child’s psychological development but also their physical and social development. Provided that, as the years progress I have seen that less children are playing outside or playing sports with their friends, instead children are getting addicted to playing games or watching videos on their latest device. Parent’s are contributors to their children’s addiction and are not realizing that it is affecting their children’s development, therefore adults must educate themselves and most importantly their children to decrease the amount of time of technology usage. I believe that a decrease in technology usage will benefit numerous of people, such as a healthier lifestyle. …show more content…
According to Margie K. Shields and Richard E. Behrman article “Children and Computer Technology” states, “...although little systematic research documents the relationship between children's computer use and obesity, evidence does show that obesity in children is linked to excessive time in front of a television screen—defined as five or more hours a day.” Provided that, children are not getting enough physical exercise other than the exercise at school. It is very important that we keep our children healthy and prevent them into other health risks in the future such as diabetes and high blood
This quote from the Center for Disease Control show’s this, “The latest CDC study found that teenagers’ weight did, in fact correlate with their screen time: Only 20 percent of obese kids were limiting TV and computers to two hours per day -- versus 31 percent of their normal weight peers.” (Norton, 1), it can be inferred from this that the more screen time equals the most obese children. It has been shown in recent years with the increase of video game consoles and personal computer use has correlated with the major increase of childhood
In the article entitled “Screen Addiction Is Taking a Toll on Children” Jane E. Brody discusses how the youth is facing a problematic issues with electronic media causing them to become unhealthy and hindering their normal development. First, Brody points outs that a great deal of electronic media usage can conflict with children’s schoolwork. The writer also indicates that adolescents who spend a great deal of their time playing video games tend to block out the outside world and become anti-social. In addition, she states that “young children under the age of two should not be exposed to electronic media because a child’s brain develops rapidly during the first years”. The author also indicates that young children learn more efficiently by
Increasingly, there is a large dependence on technology today as opposed to ten or twenty years ago. Technology has changed a lot of how life is lived today. It affects shopping, job seeking employment opportunities, entertainment and academics. There is no doubt that technology has set its foundation and is here to stay. One area in which the effects of technology can be clearly noted is in the lifestyle of children. The addiction to technology by children today has increased over the years. This is clearly seen in the developmental progress of children today. This dependence has greatly influenced how children
Now, many of us may know a parent that hands their child a tablet or phone to keep their child busy so they can do their own work. Well, this has a very negative consequence on the child because just like alcohol, drugs, and gambling, items such as electronic devices that may seem harmless at first, can actually be very obsessive. These devices are so chronic and habitual that you tend to get isolated from the real world, and since you aren’t managing to do any physical exercise or movement, this could possibly result as a physical handicap. Parents don’t realize this is an issue until their child faces actual circumstances. Technology does not only have negatively influenced physical effects, but it also has a psychological impact. The overuse of electronic devices may cause impairment in the development of a child’s social skills. This includes the ability of to make friends, talking to others in a respectful and polite manner, displaying good behavior, and controlling temper and emotions. A child who uses technology extensively can become socially isolated which can lead to many other things such as loneliness, low self-esteem and low self-worth, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. In every child’s life, their childhood is the most crucial part of their _________ journey. It's that time of life where whatever a child learns, that learning will continue on and affect their on-going future. The negative things will misguide them from a very young age, and same goes for these children that use technology
Included below is a summary about the article titled “How Young is Too Young for Technology,” by Josie Gurney-Read, and published by Telegraph. This article talks about the positive and negative impacts when exposing young children to technology. First, Read opens up the article explaining that by the time children start school, 70% are already confident in using a laptop, tablet or smart phone. Read also notes, that 17% of children under the age of three have their own device. The article then discusses that the American Academy of Pediatrics says that children under the age of two should be discouraged from using technology and that preschool kids shouldn’t be using devices for more than two hours per day (Read). Professor Manfred Spitzer
My research project was inspired by my love of children and the many times I have observed children using technology. From this experience I noticed many young children are extremely familiar with technology and the use of technology can have both positive and negative effects on them. As I have researched into this topic, I have learnt there are many beneficial and harmful implications of technological use for children. A finding I have come across on multiple occasions is children should not be using or be in contact with any technology whilst they are under the age of 2. A positive implication includes using technology for educational reasons as opposed to entertainment purposes. Using technology for entertainment or for long periods of time can negatively affect the child psychologically. A key point from my research has lead me to understand technology can have a huge impact on a child’s mental, physical and emotional health. (154 words)
It is explained that past studies were conducted in a time when only video games and TV where the norm and that the advent of smartphones and tablets requires further research. The researchers thus conduct a self-reported survey on 2,620 children from ages 8 to 16 asking their use time regarding common devices including iPads and laptops. The finding was that children ages 8-16 are for the most part exceeding the limit time but the use of the devices and type of use differed depending on the sex, age and even grade of the child. The study also goes into great detail on the fact that schools are more and more embracing technology. This source may be somewhat useful for my paper. My research is supposed to be focused on very young children, 8 – 16 years old is not exactly a toddler. However, the article serves as a reminder that technology use is already very prevalent in older children and becoming a part of standard education. I can use this information to tie it with all my other findings about importance of adopting
Next I'd like to talk about the physical activity going on during screen time. The issue is that there is no physical movement required. This is bad because if you're spending seven hours a day in front of a screen you're not recieving any exercise. Too much screen time has been linked to childhood obesity, and childhood diabetes. This is because there is no exercise involved with playing on a tablet or sitting in front of a couch. The child eats throughout the day and never burns off any calories resulting in obesity.
One other major factor is children have access to technology at a young age. This is one of the main factors for why childhood obesity is increasing at such a rapid rate. As technological advances increase, so does childhood obesity. Children ages 8-18 spend an average of 7.5 hours a day using entertainment media. This includes television, computers, video games, cell phones, and movies. Of those 7.5 hours, about 4.5 hours is strictly dedicated to watching television. Eighty-six percent of children ages 8-18 have a computer in their home, 31 percent have a computer in their bedroom, and 20 percent of them have internet access in their bedroom. (Gensheimer 9). The time spent using electronic devices takes away from time that children could be doing physical activity. This leads to increased food
Technology is more advanced every day and seems to be a major reason why kids stop going out for a run or being involved in activities burning off calories and energy. Research informs that a child in America spends 7 hours or more in front of an electronic device. Also according to a review in Obesity in 2012 a lot of screen time may increase obesity risk. Over time technology and an increase in snacks combined will lead to a significant weight gain.
Technology has been part of our daily live more frequently than before. Screen time has been more popularly used on kids and adolescents. On a daily bases many kids seem to spend more time inside on their tablets, instead of having to spend time with other kids. This is a problem that is becoming more popular over the years,on whether kids need to spend that much time on technology or not. Parents either seem to have strict technology usage, or they either don’t. There has always been a huge controversy with experts, who either think that screen time is beneficial or could cause problems later on in life. There are many views towards this topic, from hurting kids brains, to helping them during school, and socially.
Most children today have access to devices such as television, smartphones, computers, and tablets. These devices can be used in a variety of ways, with both positive and negative outcomes. For example, preschool aged children may use a device to learn letters, numbers, or colors. School aged children may use a computer to conduct research, or watch an educational show. A child may also sit in front of the television for many hours, reducing physical activity, and become obese. I believe it is important for the parent or caregiver of the child to monitor the amount of screen time, as well as the content to optimize the benefits these devices can offer.
The current generation of children is completely different than the preceding ones. They are living in the digital age. “Technology has blended in with daily activity to become a way of life and children today take for granted all of which is automated. It is hard for kids nowadays to imagine a world that existed without all of the gadgets, electronics and seamless operations that computer technology provides.” (3) “Children in the United States devote some 40 hours a week to television, video games and the Internet.” (12) Many psychologists and researchers are concerned about the impact that technology has on children. Children, tomorrow’s future parents and leaders, are being consumed by the negative effects that technology had on their
Today’s technology has greatly impacted the young children’s everyday lives. Phones, tablets, and computers are all a form of technology that impact the way kids are influenced. Some children get phones or computers at young ages and it can cause kids to depend on it to entertain them. Eventually they will allow the technology to take over and have it become the form of communication between friend and family instead of face to face. As parents continue to buy their children new technology they don’t monitor the amount of time their children spend on the Internet. Technology is becoming more advanced overtime which causes children to become more attached and unable to function without it near by.
The second reason why modern technology contributes to negative health problems is that children independently use technology, which impact on their social development and relationship. As the age of the kids, the majority of them still cannot control or understand how to limit themselves from their wants. Some children spend so much time playing computer and video games all alone that they are losing their ability to socialize with others, families and friends. Children can averagely spend six hours each day watching television or