
Childhood Obesity And The Food Industry

Decent Essays

While the idea of parents taking more responsibility for their children’s health may seem like a very logical solution, not all people agree that this is the best way to handle childhood obesity. For example, geneticists, critics of the food industry, and many parents might not agree with this plan of action. Geneticists would not necessarily oppose this solution, however they would not believe that it would be very successful. They believe that genetics play the most important role in determining whether a person will become obese, and that it really does not matter much what a parent does. They would encourage parents to feed their kids healthy food, but they are strong believers that how a child will turn out is directly related to genetics. People who are critical of the food industry would also not think this is the best solution. Unhealthy food is around children everywhere they go, whether it be at school, the grocery store, or their homes. These critics would argue that a parent cannot control everything their child does, and that eventually they will eat unhealthy. These people would most likely suggests making changes in the food industry, or passing government legislation to get rid of these unhealthy foods. They believe that the only way to combat unhealthy eating is to eliminate some of the unhealthy foods available to consumers. Some parents may also disagree with this solution. They believe that no matter what they do, or how hard they try, their children will

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