
Childhood Obesity And The United States Essay

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Over the past few decades an epidemic has occurred called childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is defined as a child having his/her BMI (Body Mass Index) higher than 94% among children in the same age and gender group. One third of American children are overweight and over 15% are obese (Lanham, 2009). Research and documentation is without dispute, our children are not just overweight, but physically and mentally becoming ill. Specialists are seeing specific life-threatening medical conditions, all associated with childhood weight issues. An unhealthy lifestyle is the number one factor in childhood obesity. However, many researchers believe the parents are to blame. Recently, the United States is evolving its legal definition of child abuse to include child obesity. Prosecutors propose that it is time for legal intervention, as parents are failing to provide a healthy environment for children. Others argue that the government has become increasingly intrusive in private matters. Should a law consider childhood obesity abuse? Are there other options that could create change, without legal prosecution and the dismantling of the American family? In the testimony to the United States House of Representatives on behalf of the American Academy of Pediatrics 2009, Innovations in Addressing Childhood Obesity, and author of , A Parent’s Guide to Childhood Obesity: A Road Map to Health, Dr. Sandra G. Hassink testified that the United States has a childhood obesity epidemic. A large

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