
Childhood Obesity : The New Heavy America

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Childhood Obesity: The New Heavy America
Obesity rates in the United States have been increasing ever since the fifties. The 1950s is widely known as the time period when unhealthy habits, harmful methods of shedding pounds, and obesity became commonplace. Childhood Obesity, an article concerned with the rising issue, states that according to the American Medical Association, in 2009 there were 12.5 million obese children in the United States. Obesity rates in children are of particular concern, and an understanding of the factors impacting this phenomenon is important if there is to be any hope of reversing the trend. Because obesity in American children is becoming normal, guardians should attempt to deliver healthy children and regulate children’s diets and activities in a stricter manner.
First, because American mothers and fathers were misled or failed to deliver healthy children to the best of their abilities, generations have inherited and still are inheriting genes that have triggered obesity. Early-life impacts, starting with the intrauterine environment, have shaped the path of weight gain and body fatness throughout a child’s life course. Shari Roan, a journalist at the Los Angeles Times newspaper, says obesity rates in American children may have risen because of pregnant mothers’ misconceptions and irresponsible decisions related to the care of their unborn children. She continues that Melinda Sothern, a leading fitness and nutrition expert at Louisiana State

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