
Childhood Observation

Decent Essays

As a child, I would wake up in the morning before my older brother went to school. Together we would walk down the street to a neighbor’s house and have breakfast with the three boys and their mom, Jackie. As I got older, I started walking to breakfast on my own but my mother would wake up very concerned on where I was at 6 a.m. We soon got a magnet to put on the fridge and when I left to Jackie’s, I was instructed to put the magnet on one side of the fridge so my mom would know. I grew up with the two younger boys, Kyle and Jacob, and my brother grew up with the oldest one, Larry. We were very adventurous kids, running through the woods, on bikes, running around bare foot, I even stepped on a few rusty nails in my childhood. Since there …show more content…

She told us to behave as she left the house. I think I was about eight years old at the time. I helped Kyle with the dishes and Jacob sat on the couch in the living room watching T.V. Kyle would wash the dishes, hand them off the me to dry them with a towel and I would put them away. The pot holder hung from the kitchen ceiling above the table. Neither of us could reach it standing so Kyle preferred that I was the one to climb on the table because I was the smaller of the two. I pulled the chair out and put the pot on the table, climbed up on the chair and then onto the table. I stood up and laughed because I felt so powerful being taller than Kyle. Grabbing the pot, I put it up on the rack and made my way off the …show more content…

I was so scared; my heart was pounding out of my chest it felt like. I hid my head in my pillows and pretended to sleep. Jackie came into my room and yelled my name again, as if I didn’t hear her the first time. Then she started laughing and I picked my head up out of my pillows. She sat down on my bed and grabbed me in her arms and pulled me close to her. She told me that I was okay, that she wasn’t mad at me, and she had brought my sneakers back to me. She told me how important it was to face our problems though instead of running home and hiding from them. I was so confused on why she wasn’t going to yell at me but I wasn’t going to question it! Kyle and Jacob ended up cleaning up the glass that covered the kitchen floor and later that day we all went to pick out a new

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