An accomplishment that marked my transition from childhood to adulthood was acquiring my first, professional job. I did not want to apply for a common job that everyone had. I wanted to be different from my peers. I also wanted to do something that correlates to my career goal of becoming an emergency room doctor, or a pediatrician. I immediately thought of becoming a lifeguard at Great Wolf Lodge. This job could help me get into the field of healthcare and medicine, and help prepare me for my future career. Once I submitted my application for a lifeguard position to Great Wolf, I felt responsible and empowered for making my own decisions. This was the first step of my transition from childhood to adulthood. A week after I submitted my application, I got an email from one of the aquatic managers, asking if I could come in for an interview the following week. On the day of the interview after two hours of questions, I received the news that I got hired. At this point, I was so proud of myself. I had my doubts and I expected the worse, but I did not let my fear get the best of me. I have just passed the second step of my transition from childhood to adulthood, and I passed the third step when I finished guard class and started working. The first day on the job, I …show more content…
At the same time, I will be able to communicate these new ideas and changes throughout the people around me and my community. I know that in college there will be many developments I would have to adapt to such as a new school, professors, and classmates.In the workforce of an emergency room, I will always receive new patients and individuals to work with. With these new transitions, I will also open myself to learn new concepts and perspectives, along with gaining confidence and being comfortable as I acquire more knowledge about the world around
The biggest and most meaningful accomplishment of my life so far is completing the Leader in Training program at Camp Don Lee. The successful completion of this program truly marked my transition from childhood to adulthood within the camp community.
Similar to many young people, I dreamed of leaving town and creating a big name for myself. After venturing through undergraduate and graduate school, I gained my first real job at
An accomplishment or event that marked my transition from childhood to adulthood When I joined forensics this was a huge accomplishment for me because I was scared of public speaking and my coach got me to join. The category I did every year was Prose, which means it is small cutout of a book that is read out of a binder and you have to put emotion and small hand gestures into your presentation. After the first year I didn’t get very good scores but I kept going and now I love public speaking. When I was in 7th grade my friend wanted me to join a club or sport with her
Growing up in Theresa was an experience that will live with me until the day I die. Theresa is a town with a population of roughly 2,000 people and it is very rural. Theresa is a blue collar community where everyone works hard and everyone plays hard. I saw this 24/7 at home. It was a small town. Everyone knew what was going on with everything in the town. The town of Theresa was basically one giant family. I went to school their from Kindergarten through 4th grade. The school was three blocks from my house and I would walk to school and back every single day. I usually had people who would walk with me. Some of those people I am still friends with to this very day. This was were I got my very first taste of school and first taste of friendship. One friend that I have made in Theresa is standing up in my wedding in July. Growing up their was a blessing for so many reasons. Probably for reasons I may realize later in life.
Later adulthood is the time in life when changes in marriage, families, and peer relationships are affected the most by the loss of someone close to that person. “Most people 70 years of age or older are widowed, divorced, or single” (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2010, p.619). Losing a spouse or close friend can create a sense of loneliness, which causes depression, anxiety and the emptiness feeling can become overwhelming. Depression also leads to psychological effects that will deteriorate a person’s health causing the chance for a terminal disease to become much higher. The weaker appearance of older adults causes family and remaining peers to step up in the role of making sure the person’s wellbeing is being met. (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2010). Living accommodations and healthcare needs
Growing up as an only child, you learn lessons about life earlier than most kids. I learn that you have done everything yourself. There is no one else to blame when there is trouble. I moved seven times, meaning I have lived in seven different houses or places. With moving that many times I learned to not get attached to people or places. For school, I ended up moving to four different school districts. Two of the school districts being private and the other two public schools. My experiences from both types of schools gave me an insight to how people do things in life. Therefore, I got the chance at a young age to meet at various people that live in our country. I'm first generation born and raised in the United States. Both my parents went to college in the
Imagine assembling and disassembling AK-47 in high school! Stacy, is an international student from the University of Oregon. Stacy’s life growing up was different and a little bit similar to to how other people in the US grow up.
As an emerging adult Jayne states, she could not decide what she wanted to do with her life. There was not a lot of opportunities for her. She was good at school but hated it at the same time. She expressed that there were just too many directions for her to take so she did take any. Just waited for things to come to her.
Growing up in a family where the average education level is middle school can change the way that you are perceived in the world. My mother is the only person to get an Executive MBA. This has influenced me to go to school and get my degree to change the statistics put upon my family. Growing up my mother has always put the pressure on me to push myself harder and be my better self. When I first came to America I did not speak a lick of English, I would remember my mom sanding over me with a ruler and would hit me every time I said a word wrong or if I were to misspell a word. This has instilled in me to never give up and keep on trying until everything was correct with no mistakes. By the second semester of kindergarten I was already the best
As I was going through middle school, I met a lot of new friends and started caring a little more about what others thought of me and girls. I had a lot of crushes back in my day but I never really had any girlfriends other than the occasional one that lasted a couple days. I also wanted to work really hard at basketball so I could get up on the A1 team to play with my friends and impress a couple people. I definitely put in a lot of hours in the gym to get better, and by 8th grade, I made the A1 team.
Balancing a healthy lifestyle can be a simple task for certain individuals and difficult for others, however throughout their lives there are factors that can lead for them to experience physical illnesses or psychological disorders into their adulthood. In particular, gathering information from biological relatives can help individuals be more aware of any family member’s medical history in where they can be prepared to have any chronic illnesses or diseases. Frequent diseases and disorders are important to consider into entering adulthood due to the high risks of developing cardiovascular diseases such as cancer, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Generally, Alzheimer’s disease is ranked one of the highest leading
You don’t get to choose where you grow up, but you do decide if you’ll stay there the rest of your life. Growing up I feel I saw things that I shouldn’t of ever seen for my age. The neighborhood I lived in had a lot of violence, and the cops would show up at least once a week so that nothing too major would happen. Crimes were always committed on my street, and the only time I was away from it would be when I went to school. After school I would go to the salvation army with my sister, and wait until my mom would get off work. We never knew when we would get home. Sometimes it would be until 5, and other days we would stay until 7. I met many new people which taught me a lot about working with others. Some days were good, and others were not
Growing up my family lived in poverty, we didn’t get everything we wanted and sometimes we didn’t even get everything we needed. Some nights we would go to bed hungry because we wouldn’t be able to afford food that night. It was fun finding stuff to do because we couldn’t afford to get any electronics or cable. Not growing up with electronics made it so we lived in the present and enjoyed each other's company more, instead of being distracted by screens. Sometimes I wouldn’t see my dad for days or even a week, because he was working three jobs just to provide for us. Living the way I did as a child gave me a high emotional stability because i’ve been through things and came out stronger where a lot of other people would have broke. these hardships not only prepared me for life as I grow up, but also gave me a more humbling point of view on things.
An accomplishment that I achieved that made my transition from childhood to adulthood would be getting my first job. Getting a job has taught me a lot of responsibility in the nature of learning how to handle money better,being more independent, communicating with others, getting along with peer and coworkers and always to work hard and do your best no matter what the situation may be. When I first got my job my parents and I were both so proud, when I started to drive I wanted to figure out a way to help my parents with gas so they wouldn't have to always pay for my gas and I wanted a way to have my own money so I could go out and do my own thing with my own money. The day I went to go put in applications for jobs I had a couple places in mind to go, I was going to go to Larosas, Country Inn, Kroger
A major accomplishment in my life was when I became a certified lifeguard. As a child I had always looked up to lifeguards as role models and heroes. I would envision myself as a lifeguard saving people from drowning and from the occasional shark attack, even though that is very uncommon. I knew then that when I was older I would try to become a lifeguard. I did my research and found that I had to be fifteen to become a lifeguard.I took a CPR class that my high school offered because it would prepare me for the CPR test when I take the lifeguard class. The year I turned fifteen I was not the typical kind of person that became a lifeguard, I was a thin and not very strong teenager that was not on the swim team. This presented a problem because