
Childhood Vaccinations Should Be Mandatory Essay

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In light of the recent resurgence and spread of diseases such as measles and whooping cough, the argument of mandatory childhood vaccinations has arisen. These outbreaks have been caused mainly by unvaccinated children. Parents’ fears of immunizations and the effects of their ingredients has compelled the parents to refuse to give the vaccines to their children. Yet, the inoculations are there to protect their children and people around them from contracting or spreading diseases. Even though there is a fear that vaccinations could cause autism, child vaccinations should not be a choice because vaccines are proven to very rarely have adverse effects, they stop diseases and/or possible epidemics, and an unvaccinated child is at risk of obtaining and spreading disease. For the past twenty years, parents have been more …show more content…

The measles is one disease that has seen a recent outbreak across the globe. Michael Snyder makes a correlation between the rise of vaccines administered to children and the percentage of ASD in children. The current ASD rates are in “numbers well below 1 in 100 in states like Minnesota... Published studies in the 1970s showed an autism rate of 1 in 10,000, so autism has grown 100-fold, or 10,000%” (Handley). Also according to J. B. Handley, the amount of total shots kids received before the age of five have gone up from 10 to 36 since 1989 and there have been tens of thousands of cases in which parents report their children being diagnosed with ASD after getting these childhood vaccines. “Vaccines are known to cause brain damage, and parents report regression and later autism after getting them” (Handley). The ingredients in these vaccines are also what parents believe are the causes of impaired brain development in their children. One particular ingredient that is getting attention is thimerosal which contains the element mercury, the most toxic and dangerous

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