
Children In Foster Care Essay

Decent Essays

Neglect. Loneliness. Disappointment. These are some of the many emotions kids face while they are in foster care. Many kids don't receive the help they need to learn how to cope with these emotions. As a result they may struggle later in life. Fellow representatives, I ask you to listen to me and place yourselves in the shoes of a child in foster care, to think of what they would need and what would be helpful to them. The bill, to require social workers to check on children in foster homes every three weeks, should become a law. To begin, children in foster homes face many emotions and struggles because of their current situation. Due to being removed from their homes and family, foster care children experience a wide range of emotions. …show more content…

In foster care, many of the children don’t have this kind of relationship. The therapist would establish this kind of relationship, which will help the child thrive. They need to have someone that they can hold their trust and security in. Even if the child is okay, just someone being there for them, caring about their needs, and having a relationship probably means the world to them, especially if you don’t have someone in your life that is in a parent-like position. Sometimes, we all just need to get away from all of the negative environments around us. When you need help, who do you lean on? Who do you go to for advice or help? A lot of times, that is your parents or guardians. Many children in foster care do not have this person in their lives, so the social worker would fill that role. To develop a healthy human being, a child must have a relationship with an adult who is nurturing, protective and provides security. “Foster kids are good kids in a bad situation. Foster kids are just kids. But they’ve experienced more difficult situations and hard times than most adults ever will. Some develop emotional and behavioral problems and challenging behaviors. Most have tough outer shells to protect themselves from more hurt and rejection. They desperately need committed adults to make a difference in their lives,” according to the Huffington

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