Many teens, in the United States take advantage of Christmas such as myself. On Friday, December 9th of 2016, I went to the DHR in Geneva, Alabama to wrap Christmas gifts for children in the foster care system. My parents also told me that there are kids that didn’t get anything for Christmas now I know what they meant.
In the year 2014, there was an estimated count of four hundred thousand kids in the foster care system. Many of these kids are more likely still in the foster care facility. These children are constantly bouncing from home to home trying to find a permanent place to call home. All kids just want to be able to have a family, and be able to call something their home. Approximately only forty percent of kids in the foster care
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However, it did make me want to adopt a child from the system when I get older. Being able to give a child something they’ve always wanted is a great moment. It feels you with love, joy, and most of all it feels you with sadness. The sadness comes from the thoughts of what each child in this system thinks about themselves. Many of these kids have self esteem issues, and that is why it’s great to share your happiness with another. Our time should be spent making each other happy. If people aren’t happy then the universe stays dull and inadequate. We should spend our extra hours doing things for the greater good, such as helping our community. It takes little effort to participate in community projects. Towards the end of the DHR Christmas wrap, we learned that the workers have to recycle old Christmas wrapping, tape, ribbons, and tags. They don’t get funded, but they recycle things from their home or their work space so that these kids a can have a good Christmas. Everything I learned at the DHR changed my perspective on how I view Christmas, and how I view life. This can all seem hard to understand since I barely understood as well, but understanding foster kids’ situations made me realize that people who can get by shouldn’t take things for granted.
Therefore, getting to go to this event, and learn as much as I did made me change how I see things. More people should go to events, like the DHR Christmas wrap, so they can learn how to view the aspects of life differently. In society today, all people see is greed or grief. We, as the people, can change this. Making the foster care system better, and giving kids hope is just one step. Everyone can stand up in their community, and make a difference if we just choose
In America it is stated that 1 in every 84 children live in foster care circumstances via "Statistics on Foster Care". There is a numerous amount of contrasting children from various backgrounds and ages living within these special housing homes, and many are repeatedly in and out from unstable circumstances. As children grow and mature into the new faces of the world, they face many obstacles and tribulations that will alter their lives. Living in fostering homes is a substantial example and the effects of living in these institutions can truly be great.
In Youth Core we spend a lot of time cooking meals for those staying at the Ronald McDonald house, which is a place for families to stay who have children at Children’s Mercy Hospital under long term care. These families always walk in with their faces down and bags weighing heavily under their eyes and when they walk in and see that a large dinner is already being served, a smile can be seen stretching across their face. For them to be able to come back to the house and not having to worry about dinner during such a stressful time really helps them. After dinner they always come up and make sure to thanks us for what we've done. Through Youth Core I have also helped with the many city events such as Breakfast with Santa, the Daddy-Daughter Dance, The Princess Party, City Garage Sale, and a Fishing Derby. These events have led to me getting to know many community members and getting to know a lot of people around the city, as well as building connections and feeling like I truly am helping my community. I know these events have helped children enjoy their time as youth. My favorite experience was helping a little girl make a craft that said “baby girl’s first Christmas” due to her mom being pregnant, and once she went back to her mom, her mom looked at me with a genuine smile and said thank you. Seeing other people happy truly makes me happy, even if it’s just over the smallest things. I’m there to help those who are making memories and knowing this has made me a happier
In the United States 21% of all children are living below the federal poverty line. 2.9 million cases of child abuse and neglect are reported every year in the United States. 428,000 children are in the foster care system, and 107,918 foster children are waiting to be adopted. The foster care system is temporary out of home care for neglected, abused and impoverish children under 18. While the foster care system has all positive ideas, they fall short in providing certain needs for these children. Kids not only in America but all over the world that are living in poverty, are abused, neglected, and have an unstable home life. Nobody wants to live a life like that, especially not a child. They don’t know how to support themselves on their own, they need a family and a guardian that will take care of them, support, and love them.
Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (AFSA) clearly and unequivocally establishes three national goals for children in foster care: safety, permanency, and well-being. ASFA was in part “a response to the fact that more children were entering the foster care system than were exiting.” Five principles underlie the ASFA and apply to professionals working with families through public and private agencies as well as state courts. These principles are:
In the past few decades there has be an increasing amount of children placed in the foster care system. With the amount of rising teen pregnancies and maternal drug abuse means increasing numbers of infants abandoned at birth. There have been many cases of child abuse or neglect that have been on the rise. State and local agencies are unable to suitably supervise foster homes or arrange adoptions. Statistics show that many children will spend most of their childhood and teenage years in the foster care system, which has shown to leave emotional scars on the child. Today, Child Welfare groups are looking for federal funding and legislation to increase programs and services aimed at keeping families together.
The Foster Care System with the kids who are in it is a massive social issue that America is facing today. There are more than 640,000 foster children in the United States every year. There are 23,000 foster children living in group homes at one time. There are 32,000 who live in institutions, and twenty-seven states do not meet federal abuse and neglect standards. (Attention) Personally, I am a foster sister, because my family currently fosters. Therefore, we see the issues and needs of fostering, daily. (Rapport and Credibility) This speech will discuss the importance of the nature of foster care, the catastrophic problems of foster care, and the proposed solution for the foster care system in America. (Preview)
Some awful things we hear about the foster care system makes the system seem like it is awful, but in reality the system was created to help the foster youth. Some examples would be that the system does not help after a child has entered into a foster home, but the system pays a monthly supplement to the foster parents to pay for clothes and medical expenses. Despite the common belief that foster care is an awful system, but in actuality there are programs within the the foster care system that help youth and the main goal is to reunite the foster children with their biological parents.
Every year in the United States, hundreds of children and adolescents are taken from their parents and primary caregivers and placed in out-of-home care situations due to issues in their homes and family lives which contribute to unsafe living conditions. These children and adolescents often face many health, behavioral, developmental, and psychological issues.
60 percent of kids who age out of foster care are dead, homeless, or in jail within a year. There needs to be more focus on the foster care system and child homelessness. Children should not be living on the streets, they need a home and a loving family so that they can grow up and live a stable, independent life.
The study consisted of 12 parents who foster children ages 2-8 years old. The high levels of conduct problems among children in the foster care system and the added cost to families, society and services, there is a pressing need to support foster parents. Providing foster care to children with increased emotional, behavioral, and medical needs requires not only time, but patience in dealing with the child’s demands. Foster parents often voice they are unprepared to meet demand of children with increased behavioral and emotional needs and adolescents in their care. This situation can result in placement disruption, which further strains foster care resources and has negative impacts on foster children and youth. The incidence of conduct disorder
Each year, an estimated 20,000 young people "age out" of the U.S. foster care system. Many are only 18 years old and still need support and services (. Several studies show that without a lifelong connection to a caring adult, this older youth are often left vulnerable to a host of adverse situations. Compared to other youth in the United States, kids who age out of foster care are more likely to not have completed high school or received a GED, they often suffer from mental health problems, many are unemployed and live in poverty, and nearly 40% become homeless.
Imagine growing up without a family, moving constantly and never having a permanent home. Envision being taken away from an abusive parent and left to survive in foster care for an undefined period of time. Think about lingering within the system for years and suddenly loosing any kind of aid at the age of eighteen. This is a reality for thousands of children in America’s foster care system. There are kids that are searching for a home and family -- and many of them never get one. These youths are all hoping and wishing for a permanent place to go back to. The number of children aging out of the foster care system annually is a serious problem because many children leave foster care without support and suffer consequences in their adult life that could have been avoided if they had been adopted.
The numbers of children in foster care continue to increase annually with minimal attempts to intercept the causes of the escalation. Children are generally placed into foster care as a result of parental abuse or neglect; however, there are many racial inconsistencies circulating general foster care involvement. In the year of 2014, the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System reported a total of 415,129 children in the foster care system. Depending on their situation, children in the system are in need of some sort of home, whether that be temporary or permanent. When experiencing this type of shift in their lives, many children tend to act out. Foster care in the United States is a
Recently I read an article in the San Diego Union Tribune entitled "Setting Up Foster Kids for Success" by Assemblyman Brian Maienschein. The article focused on helping foster kids succeed. The article points to statistics that show around half of foster kids who stay in the system until they age out wind up in dire straights - homeless, in prison, or victimized in some way. Some even wind up dead.
My experience at Operation Breakthrough was not life changing, but made me strongly consider working with underprivileged children. The reason why it did not “change my life” is because I could relate to most of the children there because I was in their shoes at several points throughout my life. One of my classmate’s and I went to a preschool class, and interacted with the kids in many different ways. We talked to the children about whatever the hearts desired, played an educational bingo game with them, and went to recess with them. When I played tickle monster tag and who’s that stomping on my bridge, I got to learn many things about a few of the kids.