
Children With High Functioning Asd ( Hfasd )

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Children with high-functioning ASD (HFASD) demonstrate difficulty initiating and maintaining conversations, deciphering how others feel from nonverbal cues, interpreting the intentions of others, asking/responding to questions, and interacting in games or other activities (Bray et al., 2010). Children with HFASD may appear insensitive, and self-centered, or socially disinterested (Waugh & Peskin, 2015); and typically demonstrate average cognitive abilities, yet have significant social deficits (DeRosier et al, 2010). Social skills interventions aim to teach children the social pragmatics necessary to interact and build relationships. There are many different treatment options to improve social skills in children with HFASD such as social skills groups, social skills training with parent implemented intervention, and social stories/social narratives (Cappadocia & Weiss, 2011). This literature review will discuss these three different interventions used for improving the social skills of children with HFASD. All of the articles that were looked at were peer-reviewed.

In 1943, Leo Kanner observed a small group of children with a condition he called Infantile Autism, launching the scientific study of autism. There were few studies about autism through the 1960s, but “behavioral research began demonstrating that children with autism were capable of learning, if taught systematically and intensively using operant learning methods” (Thompson, 2013). Through the 1970s and

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