
Children 's Appearance Rigidity And Cognitive Theories Of Gender Development

Better Essays

Elizabeth Meyer
PSYC 232 05
A. May Ling Halim and Diane N. Ruble, 2013, Pink Frilly Dresses and the Avoidance of all things ‘girly’: Children’s Appearance Rigidity and Cognitive Theories of Gender Development, Developmental Psychology Vol 50 (4) pp.1091-1101
B. I chose this article because I found it to be a subject I could relate to. Growing up with a sister a younger than me, and a brother a year younger than her I distinctly remember all of us going through stages of being extremely picky about our clothes. Throughout my preschool years, I had the tendency of wanting everything to be pink, and my sister was the opposite and wanted everything to be blue. However, once I reached about second grade, I became the tomboy and my sister began …show more content…

3. Methods
a. Study 1a was comprised of 76 children. This group was made up of 39 girls and 37 boys ages 3.13 to 6.98 years old. 38 of the children made up the older half, and 38 made up the younger half.
b. The subjects of this study were recruited from public and private schools in New York City. Some were also related to university faculty and staff. These children were from primarily white families of middle to upper middle-class backgrounds. About 10% of the cohort came from Asian, Latino, and African American families.
c. This study used female researchers to interview the primary caretaker of each child. The caretaker pool was made up of 74 mothers and two fathers. The interviews took place at the university and over the phone. The researchers asked questions about lifetime appearance rigidity, such as, “has your daughter (son) ever insisted on wearing traditional feminine (masculine) clothes whenever she (he) went out? Please describe.”
d. Parents described if their child had ever been insistent on gender typed clothing on a scale of one to four, with one being no interest in gender-typed clothes, and four being insistent on gender-typed clothes. This rating was determined by the ways children expressed gender rigidity. The parents were also asked about current gender-typed appearance in their children, and their response was then rated on a scale of one to

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