
Dance Autobiography Sample

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I was born in a seaside city where people enjoy the first ray of sunlight of a day. Running and playing on the beach is my favorite routine of my childhood life, and all my friends said that I was good at “dancing.” Frankly, I did not know what dancing was at that moment, but every time I moved my body that made me satisfied to see how it could move and make all those beautiful curves. Noticed that, my parents sent me to an after-school dance class to study when I was five, and I kept studying for seven years during which I got to be more attracted to this form of movements. In 2005, when I was twelve, I started my professional dance study in a local technical secondary school. Then,I realize that “dancing” could be my future and my life.

I studied Chinese classic and folk dance in my secondary school. During those five years, I participated in many provincial dance contests in Shandong as well as the performance in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. I first approached modern dance was in 2010 after completing my secondary school study. Opportunities provided in Beijing led me into a new world where I could dance with fewer set rules despite some of the limitation of my body condition. After getting to know more about it, I admitted to Jilin University of the Arts in 2012 major in dance choreography where I got professionally trained in every aspect to become a qualified dancer and choreographer.

During my college years, I took part in 2 to 3 different dance contests on and

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