
Comparing Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

Decent Essays

I really enjoyed watching this TED talk about choices. She reaches very interesting points about choices, simple things that we completely take from granted.

When it comes to choices, I have a very favorite quote, from one of my favorite books; Harry Potter. Yes, Harry Potter. "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)

So, yes. It couldn’t be more accurate. Simple questions that we all do have in this life like: Should I change my job to do what I what love or should I stay in the one that pays me the most? Should I make a trip or change my car? Should I go an adventure or remain safe where I am? Wait! What if I buy a bicycle?

Our whole life is going to be based on multiple decisions that must be made, daily. …show more content…

Should I cook a healthy meal or eat that French potato fries? All these little choices we make affect our lives in some way.

It would be great if life had an arrow always pointing the right way for us. There is a lot of complexities in every single decisions we make, that’s why it’s so important for you to make a decision for yourself. This is my number one rule when it comes to make choices. I can even listen to other people’s opinions, but in the end of the day, I decide what it better for me. Of course, because I am the one who’s going to have to deal with the consequences.

My second rule to make a choice is: “Does that fits into my values?”
My values are the things that I know that are essential in order for me to live happy.
For example, I love my family very much, I am deeply attached to them and my friends too. When I decided to move to United States, I promised myself that I would have to be strong and learn how to deal with my homesick feelings. But, my family values are also very strong, so I do at least three trips to Brazil every

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