
Choose Responsibility Essay

Decent Essays

When a teenager chooses to drink alcohol there is no way to tell the consequences from it. Sometimes people do foolish things that you won't remember and you aren't able to redo that day over. By drinking, young adults are putting not only your life at risk but your reputation. While some have chosen to commit crimes, such as robbing a store. Trespass on private property,Vandalize school property. Saying hurtful things to friends and family. These are all common to happen while under the influence of alcohol. An organization called Choose Responsibilities directly trying to lower the drinking the drinking age from 21 to 18. Choose Responsibilities is an organization which states “stimulating informed and dispassionate public discussion about the presence of alcohol in American culture and to consider policies that will effectively empower young adults age 18 to 20 to make mature decisions about the …show more content…

On average a driver under the influence kills someone every 40 minutes in the United States. Which is 36 deaths daily and 13,000 annually. A story about driving while being inebriated from abc News “these Best friends, both 18, as freshman in college. Inseparable since kindergarten, Jessica Rasdall and Laura Gorman loved to go out, loved to dance, to have fun. The story started one night, there were drinks, and a walk to the car, with Rasdall taking the wheel. Less than an hour later, Gorman was dead. And her best friend is later charged with killing her.”(Goldberg 1) Rasdall regrets ever going to the club that night. When drinking alcohol a teens brain is not able to see or think clearly which stops their ability to process and pay attention. 22.3 percent of driving car accidents the driver has more than .08 percent alcohol. According to the (CDC) unintentional injuries , such as car crashes are linked to teens drinking below the age of 21. Based on this evidence the drinking age should not be

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