
Chorus In Antigone

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In Sophocles’ Antigone, the chorus serves an essential role in the play by having the ability to communicate indirectly with the reader or audience. By remaining a character in the play and not just a narrator, the chorus is connected to the plot of the play and can interfere with the storyline. Sophocles’ goal for the chorus is to “teach [the reader] wisdom” through the morals of the play (128). In a play where almost every character commits some kind of transgression, Sophocles includes the chorus to guide the reader to know which of these transgressions are good and bad, so that he or she will recognize the morals taught in the play. The chorus consists of “the old citizens of Thebes,” secondary characters who aren’t essential to the …show more content…

As they realize how bad he is, the chorus turns on Creon and sides with Antigone, even announcing that they “would rebel against the king” (101). Sophocles includes this switch of allegiance to show that the chorus does not only support one side. Since both Antigone and Creon commit a transgression, the chorus shows that they do not support all illegal acts; they only support the ones done in “reverence toward the gods” (128). However, they are still critical of Antigone’s crime because her “passion has destroyed” her (104). Since Creon’s acts are for personal gain and the chorus follows the laws of Zeus, they disagree with Creon because of his bravado which violate Zeus’ …show more content…

Creon, concerned with only himself and his own power, refuses. Creon, disregarding the chorus’ advice, is overly proud of himself. However, the chorus knows that “the mighty blows of fate” will eventually catch up with Creon (128). Creon is no match for the power of the gods. Even though Creon believes that he is on the same level as the gods, the chorus, like the viewer, realizes that those who go against the gods will be free “for a moment only” (92). Fate catches up to Creon when Haemon kills himself followed by Eurydice committing suicide as

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