
Chris Mccandless: A Tragic Hero

Decent Essays

As we read through the book “Into The Wild” we Journeyed alongside Chris McCandless As he made his way across the Country on Alaskan Odyssey. As he journeyed he met many people and made many “friends” along the way, however eventually he turned up dead in Alaska. As his story spread throughout the world he many people believed he was courageous and noble, however some believed that he was being a reckless idiot. Now this bears the question, what are my views on Chris’s journey to alaska? Do I believe that he was courageous and noble or a reckless idiot? I actually Side with the fact that he was a reckless idiot, I do not believe he was courageous and noble at all, even though many may disagree One of the reasons that he was neither courageous …show more content…

He does read books that talk about Nonconformity, et cetera. However there are better ways of going about living a romantic life instead of taking on the wilderness full on and unprepared. However he did have to have the courage to leave his home and everyone he knew to go into the wilderness and live there away from society. Along with that he did inspire many other people along his journey. One Person that was affected the most by McCandless was a Man named Franz, who, and the book states this “Franz grew increasingly fond of McCandless.” (Krakauer, 37) (Of the PDF) Franz also tries to keep McCandless from going to San Diego, and he says, “You don’t need to go to San Diego,” Franz protested (Krakauer, 37). This shows that Franz cared for McCandless. However even though he did touch the hearts of many people he met, he shouldn't have journeyed into the wilderness without some proper Equipment.
Overall my view on Chris will not change. The point still stands that he is Reckless for going “into the wild” unprepared. Still my point stands that yes that may be living up to the “rules of romanticism” there are many other ways of showing/doing, them. Ways that in fact would have left McCandless alive instead of dead, he was caught in the moment of the idea, thinking it was the best idea and nothing else would satisfy his desire for

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