
Chris Mccandless

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Into the Wild, by John Krakauer, was an authentic, inspirational story about a young man named Chris McCandless on a adventure to Alaska. From the beginning we as a reader know that Chris does not survive. Although in the beginning of his adventure, Chris seemed to be flourishing with excellent health until he reached the Alaskan wilderness. Meeting new people, having them house him, feed him, give him work, all this aided him on his journey to Alaska. Though Chris’s intelligence was surprisingly exceptional, it demonstrated weakness in the wilderness, moreover, his own common sense was not up to high status either. Chris McCandless knew what he needed to survive, but he also refused to take the supplies that was offered to him, he also enjoyed …show more content…

When people tried to offer him food and clothing, he put his foot down, told them no, and continued his peregrination. He left his car with an abundant amount of supplies that he left behind that he could have used. He left rice that he could have eaten. Gallien offered to give him rubber boots, grilled cheese, tuna sandwiches, and corn chips which Chris accepted. “Two years he walks the earth, no phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate freedom. And extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose Home is the road. Escaped from Atlanta. Thou shalt not return, ‘cause “the West is the best." And now after too rambling years comes a final and greatest adventure, climatic Battle to kill the false being within an victorious link includes a spiritual revolution. 10 days and nights on freight trains and hit checking bringing him to the great white North. No longer to be poisoned by civilization, He flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild. –Alexander Supertramp, may 1992." (Page 163). This saying is stating and goes into depth, that he was content with his becoming, that he didn't need the common utensils to get him by, or the food that everyone needs to survive. Ultimately this belief leads to his demise. Chris was a young, incredibly intelligent man, however he was ill-prepared to venture into the wilderness

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