
Chris Mccandless Lessons

Decent Essays

3. What can be learned from Chris McCandless’s story? Chris’s story can teach people many lessons from how to prepare for an unfavorable climate to how one should live their life. “Unlike McCandless, however, I have in my backpack a 1:63, 360-scale topographic map” (Krakauer 173). Chris was not very prepared for his expedition. He had limited food, navigation tools, and knowledge of the environment. If Chris had brought a map, he would have seen a way across the Teklanika River farther downstream instead of being forced to turn back, ultimately leading to his death. He also lacked knowledge in the area of hunting. Chris did not know how to properly preserve meat, causing some of the game he killed to go to waste. On the other hand, Chris’s story can teach people positive lessons about living life. People are inspired his Chris’s story and his outlook on life. People can learn from Chris to never be afraid of a challenge and to never settle for average. People should explore areas outside of their comfort zone in order to truly experience …show more content…

Chris believed that people should challenge themselves and venture outside of their comfort zone in order to get the most out of life. “His life hummed with meaning and purpose…beyond the comfortable path: McCandless distrusted the value of things that came easily. He demanded much of himself – more, in the end, than he could deliver” (Krakauer 184). Chris realized that the comfort of modern civilization could not challenge himself enough in order to reach his full potential. Chris thought that one should never be comfortable. He thought people should always try new things and find out what they are truly capable of. He stepped outside of his comfort zone in order to truly see who he was as a human being. Chris define living life to the fullest as challenging yourself every day and push yourself as hard as you can to become the best human being you can

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