
Christian Worldview Research Paper

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My name is Asia Harvey. I am eighteen years old. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I am a freshman in college majoring in communications. Worldview to me means how everyone in the world interprets reality. I believe everyone has a worldview and it is influenced by our ethics, morals, and family values. It can also be influenced by what we hear, what we read, what we see or who we associate with. Worldview is mostly influenced by religion and science even though, a worldview can and do change. I believe the Christian worldview deals with the belief in the Bible. It leads me to believe that God created the universe in six days and on the last day he rested and that I am God's creation put on earth to fellowship with him and govern …show more content…

They are young earth creationism, old earth creationism, and theistic evolution. Young earth worldview is the belief that everything was created in six days, twenty-four hours a day, thousands of years ago. This Christian worldview says that everything was made over a twenty-four period, each day he made something different. For example, The first day God created was light so that he can separate light from darkness, since night and day. Every day after day one was something new up until day six. He separated waters above from the ones below, He made the sun and moon, He created birds in the air and fish in the sea, he made creatures, and he made mankind all within those six days. There was a total of six days of creation and a seventh day God rested. Old earth creationism is the belief that when God made everything a billion of years ago. Theistic evolution is the belief that God's “method” of creation was a natural evolution, and that everything evolved naturally. The Bible provides a clear understanding of creation in the first two chapters of the bible which is Genesis. Genesis explains the story of the creation of the earth and how things were made in the beginning. The basics of Genesis is that God created the earth in a matter of six days and that he rested on the seventh day. Genesis chapters 1-2 tell the accounts of the creation of the

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