
Biblical Worldview Research Paper

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Integral Biblical Worldview: Viewing the World Biblically
Today, in modern day living, people are talking about either of the two worldviews, and the importance of that chosen worldview. However, one can choose to live by the principles of a secular worldview or a biblical worldview. This study highlights the distinguishable difference between a secular worldview and a biblical worldview, the incorporation of belief and doctrine, and the theories of vocations and the efforts for living righteously.
Biblical Worldview a Different Eye Sight
What is a worldview? On the word of Dr. Lew Weider & Dr. Ben Gutierrez (2013), "A worldview is the reflection of ones' heart; or internal existence, ones' mentality, feelings, and desires. The complete process that brings forth one's beliefs."
What is a secular worldview? A secular worldview is one with practices of the world. Worldly is also an identifying name for the secular worldview. Mankind indulges in sinful acts with or without remorse for the consequences of sin. According to, Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words says, "Worldly means adjusted for fitting into this natural place; living by the principles of this world, earthly, ethically, and of worldly lusts or desires."
What is a biblical worldview? A biblical worldview is encompassed with instructions and teachings from The Bible …show more content…

The principles are for continual growth and elevation for Christians. The instructions in The Bible are not only for guidance is a comforting and strengthening agent. Given this statistic, this could be an additional reason why God created mankind in His image to take part in on other wonderful helpful contributions. Highlighting the difference between a secular worldview and a biblical worldview, the incorporation of belief and doctrine, theories of vocation and efforts for living righteously is proven to be an influential lifesaving

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