
Christianity : My Beliefs Of Christianity And My Religion

Decent Essays

Christianity has been my religion and my identity for as long as I can remember. I grew up in a household with parents that pointed me to God every chance they got and siblings that were in and out of the house going on various mission trips. From the very beginning, I have been rooted in the strong faith that was shown to me, even though my age didn’t always enable me to fully comprehend the basics of it. My family did not necessarily pile into the minivan every Sunday in habit of going to church, but focused more on our relationship with God and the fellowship with friends that came through that mutual love and connection. I was raised to go to Him with my weaknesses and to worship without ceasing. This was my beginning and I have clung to those roots through the trials that have come my way. Since I was raised in this religion, there came a point where my observations were not enough and I had to start forming my own opinions and beliefs. I accepted Jesus as my savior when I was about eight or nine although comically, I am not sure if I truly meant it or was in it for the small piece of bread and grape juice that came with the acceptance. I was truly saved and baptized in seventh grade at my small Christian school. When I first was saved, I do not believe I had a firm understanding of everything I was stating I believed, but just prior to my baptism I became acutely aware of my humanness and need for a close relationship to God. What I learned from the Bible and my study

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