
Christianity Vs Buddhism Research Paper

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Let us begin this comparative theology paper by evaluating the history of both religions, starting with Buddhism. A man with the name of Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddhism, he was a privileged man known to have given up his prized possessions and wealth in order to chase self-enlightenment. Christianity on the other hand, originated from Jesus Christ, their savior who died for the salvation of the human race. Millions of people are aware of these two religions and millions of people also follow these two religions. Although both Christianity and Buddhism are different from each other, they have their commonalities and share their own uniqueness, which causes more people to join their religion. Christianity and Buddhism both share the same concept of making their believers become a better version of themselves so they can reach their highest potential in spiritual fulfillment. Buddhism is one of the oldest and most prominent religions that have ever been established all throughout Asia. Gautama was born in 563 BCE in Lumbini, a temple in Nepal. …show more content…

Triptaka is the name known for describing a scripture in Buddhism. “A pitaka is a basket, and so the term refers to the three baskets” (Flesher). The very first basket is considered to be the discipline basket. The first basket includes rules that consist of living a monastic life for monks and nuns. The second basket is called the discourse basket, which acquires the records of Buddha’s sermons and teachings. The third and final basket is known for special teachings. The “Triptaka” (the three baskets), contains the behavior for all of the Buddhists and also explains the matters of theology. Listed below are a wide variety of collections of stories, writings, poetry, and songs that have been passed down in

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