
Comparing Hinduism And Islam

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Many people tend to confuse Muslims from Hindus and vice versa. After visiting each place of worship and examining each person individually, and listening to each person speak so highly about their religion and culture, you can clearly distinguish between the two. They have many similarities and differences, which establish a relationship between the two. Although in the past there has been many disputes over the two, this is due to their dissimilarities. The most common dispute between the two are because of the gods. Hinduism, think that gods are present in everything and anything while Islam believes in the holiness of Allah alone. I find it interesting, when it comes to eating certain things both religions don’t consume a certain …show more content…

The Islamic religions follows five pillars from the prophet. 1. Testament that there is one God and Muhammad is his messenger; 2. prayer five times daily mainly before sunset and after; 3. fast during Ramadan- you can eat after sunset; 4. charity to the poor at least 2.5% of their overall wealth; 5. Pilgrimage- journey to the holy place in India, the Mosque.
The goal of Hinduism is to break the cycle of rebirth, in attempt to attain salvation. On the other hand, the goal of the Islamic religion is to fulfill their responsibility of life by following the Quran and Hadith, and to live life with compassion towards all of Gods creations. When it comes to the place of worship, both religions differ in regards to statues and pictures. Shiva Vishnu contained many statues of their gods and it is a common practice to have these images. Although, ISOM does not contain any drawings, paintings, or statues regarding their gods. God cannot be seen, but sees all. They only have calligraphy and the temple is angled in such a way that it faces Mecca.
Islam comes from the Arabic root word of ‘Salema’ which translates to- peace, submission, and obedience. Islam is submission to the will of God and obedience to His rules. The Muslims follow the Qur 'an, and traditions of the Holy Last messenger Muhammad, called 'Sunnah ' which is found in prayers or 'hadiths ' by the men around him. Hindus follow the Vedas and Gita, Smrti and Sruti are oral

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