
Christiany and The Roman Empire Essay examples

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Rome once was one of the most powerful political republic, then an empire which existed for quite a long time. Rome was mainly based on Greek culture; they took Greek gods and changed their names nothing more for example: Apollo remains same in both cultures; Artemis and Diana both have the title of the goddess of the hunt. Romans Empire was conquering countries all over the world, making itself most influential empire at that time. Christianity was banned religion in Rome until AD 313, when Emperor Constantine made Christianity official religion. Christianity played more than important role in fall of an empire; it was reason that destroyed Roman Empire, because people started to ignore emperor. People say that Rome fell because of …show more content…

Science always was thing things which distinguished Rome especially in medicine and in engineering from other countries, but Christianity and science are always in war with each other. Scientific progress is crucial during a war period, if weapons, machines don’t have progress they would soon become useless and Christianity denied science at that time, so if most part of Roman population consisted of Christians. If there is no progress in science, there is no progress in war machines, strategies, armor means a weaker army. Impact of itcan be seen during war with barbarians, it happened during a period where people stopped paying taxes, didn’t go to war and people didn’t do anything in science, barbarians destroyed empire. To sum up everything, Christianity was final reason why Empire fell. Christianity caused; system collapse, making government bankrupt because people stopped paying taxes and working on land which also led to higher food prices, people stopped fighting for their own country which made government hire soldiers and it was very harmful because there was no money flow in empire and hiring soldiers was a big harm, and interrupting scientific progress during a war period made once strongest and most

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