
Christopher Columbus And The Spanish Colonization Of America

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Around five hundred years ago, before people knew that land existed elsewhere, many Europeans traveled a route to the east. However, on that route were merchants would bring oriental luxuries proved to be one of the hardship journeys at the time, mainly because it was a long route. In that era, a discovery had been made where Greek and Roman text sparked an intellectual ingenuity. in addition, through scientific research many inventions had been made, some of which helped the Spanish colonized the Americas. For example, some began to believe that the earth was round and began to sail west with the help of compasses who were more accurate, instruments that would help them navigate and also "stronger, larger ships armed with cannons and capable of oceanic voyages"(p.17) …show more content…

Columbus was on a quest to find a new Atlantic route that would lead him to the Indies. In Addition, the Spaniards were the only European at the time who began colonizing the new world as soon as it was discovered. On the second voyage of Christopher Columbus, brought with him a large amount of men were brought in order to discover and conquer the Americas. They landed on what is now known as the Dominican Republic, the island served as a base for the Spaniards

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