
Christopher Columbus Impact On America

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Christopher Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain in. He was determined to find a water route west from Europe to Asia. But he never did instead he accidentally stumbled upon the America or so we are taught. He never really did Discover America. The thing is that millions of people already lived there. He just accidentally stumbled upon America (A&E Networks Television). He also was not what he was made to be. Once coming to America, he did awful things to many native Americans. Columbus had a journal and wrote everything that he did every day in it. millions of people already lived there and thousands maybe even millions died in the hands of Columbus. He was not the type of person we learned about in school far from the truth. "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue" that’s how the story has been told to generations of Americans. He did land in the Bahamas in 1492 and sailed there three more times including going to Cuba. But Columbus never really discovered America. Millions of people lived in America before Columbus came to America. There is a theory saying the maybe Columbus wasn’t even the first European. It wasn’t really a theory there was scientific evidence proving that Columbus wasn’t the first man to land on America. Leif Eriksson and his famous father Erik the Red founded Greenland. In 1000 a.d. Eriksson and his crew made the North Atlantic crossing 492 years before Columbus (A&E Television Networks). Even after Eriksson, there are many

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