
Christopher Locke Speech

Decent Essays

In 1996, Christopher Reeve spoke at the Democratic National Convention. The goal was to convince the audience to pass the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Reeve tried to stress how important the ADA is by using powerful words and strong meanings to sway the audience. This can be seen several ways throughout his speech, and shows how strongly he cared about the ADA and getting cures for those who need it. Christopher Reeve had strong ambitions and high goals for the future.

First, Christopher Reeve mentions “family values”, and how “...we’re all family. And that we all have value.” He identifies the importance in trusting in your family, and how America is one family. Reeve continues by saying that many members of the family are hurting.This can appeal to the emotions of the audience by them being able to relate to a family member hurting, themselves hurting, or by knowing someone who is disabled in their family. It can be something that is easy to relate to no matter their stance in life. …show more content…

Reeve used words like “more”, and “purpose”. These words can inspire many people. Reeve also uses the phrase, “...achieve the impossible.”, and talks about what got Americans to the moon. This can cause many people to start to believe. Many people at first didn’t think going to the moon could be possible, and Reeve comparing going to the moon with helping those in need could make people see how nothing is impossible, and how working together could achieve another milestone for

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