
Cigarettes In The Late Nineteenth Century

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According to archaeological studies, cigarettes are wild plants in the Americas from around 8,000 years ago. About 2,000 years earlier cigarettes were chew and attracted by Native Americans, especially as at religious ceremonies. The first European to discover the main tobacco was Christopher Columbus, who discovered America in the late 15th century and early 16th century. In 1531, tobacco was brought back to Europe and was first planted in Santo. Domingo (now part of the Republic of Dominique) and later spread throughout Europe. In the seventeenth century, cigarettes also followed the westerners to Asia. If ealier the use of cigarettes was relatively diversified from vacuum aspiration to smoking, chewing and inhaling, in the second half of the nineteenth century, when tobalco was manufactured that made cigarette production became easier and quicker. The first machines produced an average of …show more content…

In particular, the proportion of smokers increased significantly during the world wars due to the provision of free tobacco to soldiers as a means of mental reinforcement.
Cigarettes come from a trend that turns into a habit; That is harmful to human health not only for direct smokers, but also more severely for passive smokers.
According to statistics in the 20th century the world over 100 million people died of tobacco-related diseases. However, the proportion of smokers has not decreased, or even increased due to the limited understanding of the harmful effects of tobacco smoke, knowledge is limited.
Anti-smoking campaigns are booming to warn people who are, will and will smoke about the harm.
One in many anti-smoking oganizations is CONAC, a non-profit organization, the Chilean Corporation Against Cancer, featured this advertisement in their 'Smoking is Murder' campaign in

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