
Cinderella Short Story : Cinderell The Story Of Cinderella

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Cinderella By: Jackie Once upon a time, there was once a very beautiful girl called Ella. Ella had a long and beautiful blond hair, her skin as pale as marble and her face more beautiful than the finest of art, but most importantly, she was a very happy child. She lived with her rich father together and he loved her more than anything on the planet. As a child, she loved to sculpt things. She loved to sculpt people’s faces, events from the past or whatever she liked. As her father recognised her talents, he sent her to an art school where Ella honed her talents with each passing day. One day, when Ella was 18 years old, her father met a widow with 2 daughters, and he quickly fell in love with her and married her. Her stepmother was very beautiful, however, she had a malicious personality beneath her beautiful features, and she hated Ella more than anything, especially how Ella is always happy. Unfortunately, Ella’s father fell seriously ill and was diagnosed with an incurable cancer and sadly died soon after. After the death of Ella’s father, her stepmother knew of his wealth, and she quickly used it to pay for her expensive hobbies and she never failed to flaunt her wealth to her neighbours to raise her social status. With her hatred of Ella, she took her out of the art school and sent her eldest daughter there. When she arrived home, the stepmother started to order Ella around like a maidservant. She started to order Ella to do the most mundane things, such as cleaning the

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