
Circadian Rhythm

Decent Essays

Light effects on Circadian Rhythm Most human beings have a built in clock in their brains that regulate the timing of biological physical process and daily behavior. These clocks are known as circadian rhythm. They allow maintenance of these processes and the behaviors are related to 24-hour day/night cycle. Although these rhythms are maintained by the individual beings, their length does vary somewhat individually. Therefore, they must, either continually or repeatedly, be reset to occur over about a 24-hour cycle. Circadian Rhythm is entrained by both internal and external factors. Circadian rhythms are important in determining the sleeping and feeding patterns of all animals, including human beings. There are clear patterns of brain wave …show more content…

The retina contains two classes of visual receptors. These receptors are spread throughout the eye and perform different functions. The light entering then takes one of two ways: the light either gets gathered by the rods and cone cells before being transmitted to the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), or it is straightforwardly gathered by these RGCs. The RGCs utilize the photo pigment melanopsin to assimilate the light vitality. In particular, this class of RGCs being talked about is alluded to as naturally photosensitive, which just means they are touchy to light. There are five known sorts of inherently photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs): M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5. These interface with the optic nerve of the retina. At last, by means of this retinal hypothalamic tract (RHT) the suprachiasmatic nucleus or the biological clock (SCN) of the brain gets light data from these …show more content…

Seasonal affective disorder creates a model in which decreased day length during autumn and winter increases depressive symptoms. A shift in the circadian regulatory system creates a connection between the amount of light in a day (duration) and depressive symptoms in this disorder. Light seems to have therapeutic antidepressant effects when humans are exposed to it at appropriate times during the circadian rhythm, regulating the sleep-wake cycle.

In addition to mood, learning and memory become impaired when the circadian system shifts due to light stimuli, which can be seen in studies modeling jet lag where one is travelling around different time zones or in shift work situations where the sleep pattern gets effected. The symptoms include insomnia, indigestion, irritability and poor concentration. Sleep Disorders such as delayed sleep phase disorder and Advanced sleep phase disorder are also common when the circadian system is affected
In response to light exposure, alertness levels can increase as a result of suppression of melatonin secretion. A relationship has been found between alerting effects of light and activation in the

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