
Citizen Kane Analysis

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Sad Man
Citizen Kane is a movie that can be rewritten and implemented into any film created today. In many ways, the storyline tells us more about ourselves than anything else and it relates to each one of us who has ever wished for a better life. From his flamboyant adventures to the blah blah to his political agenda in his later years. Every film that came after Citizen Kane owes a great deal to Orson Welles because of the way he used special effects, music, and shadows and lighting, which without a doubt makes it one of the finest movies ever made. Some even call it the Mona Lisa of its time because Orson Welles was the first to implement all of these techniques, which revolutionize cinema forever.
It is believed that more than 50 percent of the film involved special effects. One of the many reasons is because the film itself was made on a budget and the other being “for the nature and scope of its subject” (The Denny Life) to keep costs down. One of the methods that revolutionize cinematography was the introduction of a technique known as deep focus by Orson Welles. Deep focus is the use of “having everything in the frame even the background in focus at the same time” contrary to “having only the people or object in the foreground in focus” (The Denny Life). Moreover, the deep focus technique requires the cinematographer to combine lighting, composition, and type of camera lens to produce the desired effect. For example, Orson Welles use this technique on

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