
City Of Thieves Character Analysis

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City of Thieves is a novel written by David Benioff. The novel is based around World War Two when the cold war happened. Lev Benivor and Kolya Vlasov are two strangers who met each other in a cell and the next day are sent on a mission to find eggs for the colonel and if they don’t come back within a week with eggs, they die. Along with their journey, there are some things we get to see that happens during the war. Benioff uses this powerful text to show us the most disgusting element of our nature.

Benioff shows us one of the most disgusting elements of human nature which are cannibalism. This is shown near the beginning of the novel when Lev and Kolya are sent on the mission to find the eggs for the colonel’s daughter's wedding. A big suspicious bearded man runs into Lev and claims that he has eggs back at his apartment. Koyla gets intrigued by the fact and agrees to follow the man to his apartment. They end up at an old looking apartment which gave off bad vibes. Going up to the man's apartment room as to he didn’t want to do business on the street, Lev disagreed yet still went up because they didn’t want to create a scene. When they finally got to the room, the man opened the door and we saw a lady covered in a bloody butcher’s apron. As the man shut the down behind him, wind gust past through and blew the sheets, showing white meat hanging from the hooks. For a second Lev thought it could be pig meat but soon realization hit him, both him and Koyla run for the door

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