
Civic Engagement

Decent Essays

Knowledge is more than the facts you know, and learning is more than just gathering information. The four keys of learning are critical thinking, independent research, interdisciplinary learning and civic engagement. These elements require real comprehension of the subject, investigation on a personal level, looking at it from all angles and then doing something with the knowledge learned. This class not only required the use of these four pillars, but also has helped instill them in me. Consequently, I am better able to find truths, more prepared for my field and have a greater ability to help and communicate with others.
Our project had the greatest involvement with the pillar of civic engagement, as its purpose was to present a message that …show more content…

I might be skeptical if it sounded completely absurd, but I would not over think every little detail. Now I know better. I have learned that there are a large amount of untruths out there among the facts. While I have always thought of myself as a critical and analytical thinking, especially when it comes to logic problems, I have learned in analyzing scientific truth my skills are not so sharp. It is not always apparent to me right away which articles are trustworthy and which are not. Some websites are obvious, but others require deep digging and lateral reading to discover the validity of the source. When seeing scientific facts, in the future, that seem more out there, I now have a better understanding of how to find reliable truths. I can share these truths with others, but depending on how substantial of a previously established bias they have, I may not be able to convince them. Being able to discover the validity is an essential …show more content…

Being a scientist means nothing if you can’t communicate it, and being a journalist means nothing if you don’t understand what it is you are communicating. A strength of this class is being able to interact with people from all fields. Working with my group I got to know new disciplines and see how other people think. We benefited from using each other’s talents and skills. As I look to my future, I see a great need to be an interdisciplinary professional in the field of data analytics. I want to use data and statistics to help other people improve in their various fields, so it is important for me to have at least a basic understanding of their disciplines. I will also need communication and business skills, as well as ability in mathematics and statistics. Overall being well versed in many disciplines is beneficial to being an involved and aware citizen as

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