
Civil Law : Acts And Case Law

Decent Essays

Civil law includes acts and case law that describes or understand individual 's and organization 's private rights, in their affairs and disputes that comprises of property, contracts, personal damage, family relationships, toll, or government rules and regulations and it mainly deals with disputes between private parties, or inattentive acts that cause harm to others. Among other powers, the civil court has the power in civil cases to dissolve matrimonies, distribute the properties of the parties, change legal custody of children, preside on trials, place dependent children in substitute care, approve adoptions and issue injunctions. The failure to exercise the point of cautiousness that an ordinarily sensible person would take in any circumstance may result in a negligence assertion. Depending on the situations, a person can be held responsible for any damages and injuries that arises as a result of their carelessness. The party who files the legal action is known as the plaintiff or applicant, while the party who is being sued stands as the defendant or respondent. The courts may discharge a case, or else if it is found to have merit, the courts may order the guilty party to take remedial action, although the traditional outcome is an order to pay damages - a monetary award planned to make up for the harm caused. The government plays no role in civil cases, unless the government introduces a lawsuit. Parties retain a lawyer to gather proof or evidence and present the

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