
Civil Rights Movement In The 1950's

Decent Essays

Tracing the events that took place in 1950s-1968, was a change of creation of a new world. In 1954 we had the Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (De-Segregation of Education), where the U.S. Preeminent Court choice in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas finished legitimate racial isolation in state funded schools. You likewise, had Montgomery Bus Boycotts, where an African American women by the name of Rosa Parks was incarcerated for

refusing to give her seat up on the bus to a white man, for not moving to the back of the bus (as required under city law in Montgomery, Alabama) triggers a citywide boycott of the bus system. Following these events, going into the 1960s, there is the Greenboro, NC lunch sit-ins, in protest …show more content…

I say this on the grounds that without the movement in the 1950s through 1968, the world most likely would not be the place it is today, with the correspondence of all races. But on the other hand, I feel that racism still exist in ways that is covered up and hurled under rocks where it’s every so often seen. I don’t feel that everybody is similarity paid for their business for what occupations they perform, individuals still segregate on who they want to contract/hire, legislation/politics is still set up in a way where gerrymandering can encourage redistricting for votes based off republicans, democrats, and electoral votes; however, with such an excess of that being said, I trust that civil rights movement developments have little say so in many things in this world today, other than sticking up or protecting African Americans rights and ensuring that blacks have a balance in the U.S. as individuals. Alongside these lines, to entirety this up, I trust that the civil rights movement development was fruitful in ways that it should have been; however, not effective and powerful enough to protect all racism in today’s world because they only have so little power going against politics in the

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