
African American Coming of Age in Mississippi Essay

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Coming of Age In Mississippi
The 1950’s and 1960’s remains the most controversial and momentous decades for the nation to this day. The civil rights movement was to end racial segregation and end all prejudice against African Americans. Whether it was voting rights, rights to sit wherever one liked, or to love someone outside of one's race; racist people at this time were reluctant to have equality. These civil rights movements challenged and demanded to be heard through protest and nonviolent activity. However, these protests never were noted and were completely shut down by authorities and other racist bystanders. Americans and their confidence in their way of ignorance was most certainly challenged during this time; how could one …show more content…

It was challenging to ignore; these images circled the nation showing African American people who were dignified and hopeful, dedicating their lives to shape destinies.
There were many tactics and strategies that were adopted by the civil rights movement. African Americans would advocate for equality by sit-ins, freedom rides, speeches/rallies, and with the media. For example, there was a decision made by four North Carolina freshman to sit at the lunch counter of a local restaurant to initiate a new phase of civil rights activity. This sit-in was called the “Jackson Sit-In” and it caused an outbreak of new black college students from all areas of the South to make a difference too. Among them was the author of Coming of Age in Mississippi, Anne Moody. This protest was depicted as being horrific and dangerous to the young lives of these college students. In Takin’ to the Streets, Anne Moody tells the Jackson Sit-In in her own words; “‘ We would like to be served here” I said. The waitress started to repeat what she had said, then stopped in the middle of the sentence. She turned the lights out behind the counter, and she and the other waitress almost ran to the back of the store, deserting all their white customers. I guess they thought that violence would start immediately after the whites at the counter realized what was going on.”(Page 18, Takin’ It To The Streets.) This quote in the third edition of the sixties reader is significant because it perfectly

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