Over 182,000 texans are slaves (Doc A), and it could all be changed by one war. Many of the texans involved in the Civil War didn’t have it easy. Between 12,000 and 15,000 texans died just due to the wars fighting and disease (BK). There was even a miniature fighti inside Texas debating over the Kansas-Nebraska Act. A man, John Brown, was so angry he tried to start a slave uprising and attack the federal arsenal. A now nervous nation held its breath, waiting for the next move to play out (BK). At one time Texas had had enough of the rights, slavery, and laws that they left the Union for good. Texans fought in the war so they could have states rights, enjoy their love for Texas, and keep slavery. Texans fought in the civil war because of states rights. States rights means a state gets to choose if they want to follow something or not. Texas really enjoyed it’s freedom, but still wanted to be apart of the United States (Doc C). Also, no matter how hard you tried, no state upon its own mere motion could lawfully get out of the Union (Doc C). Many people who lived in Texas were furious about this, because they felt like they couldn't do anything without permission from the Union. Overall, states rights were a definite part in why Texans fought in the civil War. …show more content…
People loved Texas so much that they only would enlist for Texas war service (Doc D). Every texan enjoyed Texas’ beautiful sites and weather. Some say if they ever were to marry, it would only be in Texas (Doc D). Many people who lived in the Lone Star State owned slaves, and didn’t want to get rid of them (Doc D). So, many of the Texans fought in the war so they would be able to have to ability to continue to own slaves. Texans had such a meaningful place in their heart for Texas, that they thought they owed it to their state to fight for what they thought was
Another reason Texans fought in the Civil War was because of their love for Texas. In document
Texans fought in the civil war because of the love for Texas. In doc D, its says that John wesley Rabb was one of about 65000 soldiers who fought in the war and that John got many wounds and scars from the war. The love John had for texas was very strong because he wanted to fight for Texas and in the war for his people.
One reason that Texas fought in the civil war was to protect state rights. Abraham lincoln did not want any states to secede saying “ I hold that...the union of these states is perpetual….(N)o state upon its own mere motion, can lawfully get out of the union”(Document c). But the state disagreed saying that the state was taking their rights away which
One reason why the Texans participated in the Civil War was to defend states` rights. They believed they had the right to make decisions on items not covered by the constitution. Therefore, Texas secession was a states rights and was worth fighting for. Texas had previously fought for its right to self-government. Stated in document C “Texas secession convention said states were sovereign and had the right to secede.”
First, texans fought in civil war was because of states rights. “The crisis upon us involves not only the right of self government, but the maintenance of a great principle in the law of nations . . . the true theory of our (national) government as an association of sovereignties, and not a blended mass of people in one social compact (Doc C).” This is the speech of O.M. Roberts on states rights. He was the head of the Texas Secession Convention, January 28,
The Civil War: Why Did Texas Fight? What do you know about the civil war? The Civil War is very significant in Texan history. Between the years of 1861 and 1865, the citizens of The United States turn against each other.
The American Civil War was a bloody battle fought between the Confederacy (CSA) and the Union. Many men died, especially those who fought for the south. The Missouri Compromise is what separated the North from the South, leaving slavery in the north outlawed and vice versa. When the Missouri Compromise was repealed and the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed, northerners were outraged. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, he wasn’t an outright abolitionist, but he was anti-slavery, and therefore won no electoral votes from the south. His election made southerners fear for the abolition of slavery, and six states before Texas seceded to form the Confederate States of America. This sparked the Civil War, in which the CSA lost miserably and slavery was abolished. All of this leads to the question: why did Texans fight in the civil war? Texans fought in the civil war to protect states’ rights, for their love of Texas, and to preserve and protect slavery.
The Texans fought in this war for their own states’ rights. This was a right all states have that the government could not take away. For example, states have the right to stay or leave from a nation according to what they think is right. “ This is a Union of equal states, and no state can
First, the Texans fought for states rights. “This is a Union of equal states, and no state can force another state to remain in it or withdraw from it.” (Doc. C). “No state upon its own mere motion, can lawfully get out of the union.” (Doc. C). The Texans fought to deliver equal power and rights to the states among the union.
During the Civil War 65,000 Texans served in the Confederate Military, but why? On March 2, 1861, Texas seceded from the Union, and Governor Sam Houston refused to take an oath of loyalty to the Confederacy and he resigned. (Background Essay) Nearly one-fifth of the soldiers that fought, or between 12,000 and 15,000 of them died. (Background Essay) Then why did Texans fight? Texans fought in the Civil War because of states rights, love for Texas, and for slavery.
The most important reason why the Texas fought in the civil war was to preserve slavery. Texas believed that white men “established the government” and African Americans did not (document B). Texans wanted power, and maintaining slavery would not only bring power but and economic uprising. Since “182,566” people were enslaved in 1860, this being “30%” of the Texas’ population (document A), many Texans used slavery for farming and cultivating crops. Slavery was key in sustaining the Economy. It’s simply like a math equation, slavery plus crops equals economy, take slavery away and the entire empire
Texas has always been an individualistic state. Since the Alamo to the decision to leave the Union and stubbornly retain traditions, morals, and ideas to this day. After the Civil War, Texas went under radical reconstruction. This was a military rule in which Texas functioned under a military government that made a constitution that made the government more centralized, provided compulsory school attendance, and guaranteed a full range of rights for former slaves. By far, this constitution was a great stride forward in civil rights and made the government more efficient. However, white Southerners were extremely angered by this because of their racist attitudes and stubbornness. When reconstruction ended, white Texans quickly took back the
There are many reasons why the hearts and eyes of Texans glow when asked about their home state. Texas pride seems an infectious emotion among the population of the southern state. This could stem from any number of things but there is one facet of Texas’ history that warrants a great deal of pride, and that is the Texas Revolution. The event breeds pride partly because no state in the US can boast of individual sovereignty preceding statehood. Although the rebellion occurred before Texas’ annexation, without any aid from an official United States Army, the confrontation will forever be celebrated as a quintessential piece of American history.
The white southern people during this time were fighting mainly for states’ rights. Slavery just happened to be one of those rights. Slavery is not the biggest reason for the war that would be states’ rights. Also, some blacks remained slaves even after they were freed, because their masters treated them better then society would.
Yet another reason why Texans might have revolted was that they were trying to preserve and maintain the political values and economic gain while under the Constitution of 1824. It gave Texas a steady population flow of American migrants moving onto Texas soil. It also gave them political liberty, freedom to own slaves and a steady economic progression. But Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, president of Mexico, wished to impose a stricter rule which could also explain why Texas felt the need to separate from Mexico.