
Civil War Dbq Analysis

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Over 182,000 texans are slaves (Doc A), and it could all be changed by one war. Many of the texans involved in the Civil War didn’t have it easy. Between 12,000 and 15,000 texans died just due to the wars fighting and disease (BK). There was even a miniature fighti inside Texas debating over the Kansas-Nebraska Act. A man, John Brown, was so angry he tried to start a slave uprising and attack the federal arsenal. A now nervous nation held its breath, waiting for the next move to play out (BK). At one time Texas had had enough of the rights, slavery, and laws that they left the Union for good. Texans fought in the war so they could have states rights, enjoy their love for Texas, and keep slavery. Texans fought in the civil war because of states rights. States rights means a state gets to choose if they want to follow something or not. Texas really enjoyed it’s freedom, but still wanted to be apart of the United States (Doc C). Also, no matter how hard you tried, no state upon its own mere motion could lawfully get out of the Union (Doc C). Many people who lived in Texas were furious about this, because they felt like they couldn't do anything without permission from the Union. Overall, states rights were a definite part in why Texans fought in the civil War. …show more content…

People loved Texas so much that they only would enlist for Texas war service (Doc D). Every texan enjoyed Texas’ beautiful sites and weather. Some say if they ever were to marry, it would only be in Texas (Doc D). Many people who lived in the Lone Star State owned slaves, and didn’t want to get rid of them (Doc D). So, many of the Texans fought in the war so they would be able to have to ability to continue to own slaves. Texans had such a meaningful place in their heart for Texas, that they thought they owed it to their state to fight for what they thought was

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