
Civil War Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Civil War is considered the first "Modern War" because it was the first war after the industrial revolution. More technology was invented, and modern weapons were used which lead to a great death toll and medicine. It was the war that transformed our country and it was considered the first photographed war. It began when the Second Confiscation Act was passed. It states that confederate states that rebelled against the government or committed treason were to have all their slaves freed. What made the complete shift from preserving the union to end slavery was Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation which took away slavery from the confederate stated. The Emancipation was not immediately released but encouraged for four reasons:
1.) Slavery was a moral wrong that needed to be abolished.
2.) Slavery was the root cause for the division of the North and the South
3.) The Confederates were supplied by the British and the French. …show more content…

Both Northerners and Southerners opposed the document. Didn’t free slaves until the North won the Battle of Antietam because Lincoln didn't want the North to appear desperate. Here are some effects of the Emancipation Proclamation. Freed more than 500,000 slaves fled to the North. About 200,000 African Americans served as soldiers, sailors, or in another armed force. African Americans helped the North win the war. The French and British did stop funding the South and reverted to the North. It led to the 13th amendment, the 14th amendment, and the 15th amendment. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments displayed to America that all people, -no matter what race or gender they are-deserve equal rights and protection. Although these rights would be tested in the future during events such as the Civil Rights Movement, it set the foundation for what type of country the United States would be-a free and fair country in which all people have the chance to live a great and opportune

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