
Civilization And Domesticate Animals

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Have you ever wondered why the world is so racially and culturally diverse? Inequality didn’t just start with people thinking one race was more entitled than the other, or the mindset of having more power, it has deeper roots than you might think. As it may be obvious, different parts of the world are going to have different resources. In turn, not everyone is going to be able to make or develop the same things. But, if a civilization can have surpluses of food and domesticate animals, its gives them two advantages. One, they can become immune to the germs and diseases they get from being in close quarters with animals, and two, they will have enough time to become specialists and develop things like steel, which is a rolling snowball of benefit …show more content…

People who domesticated animals first were exposed to their germs and had the time to build up genetic immunity, there for giving them the upperhand when traveling and conquering new land. In this case, the Spanish had the advantage against the Incas. The Spanish had domesticated animals before the Incas, they lived in close quarters to their animals meaning they were constantly breathing in their “germs”. Some people got sick, and others were exposed to the sickness. People who didn’t die produced genetic immunity for their offspring. Because the geographical location of the Incas didn’t allow for a lot of domestication, they were not exposed to those germs, there for they did not time to build up immunity. The Incas location did allow for some domestication, but not in the same way as the Spanish. So, when the Spanish came to expand, they wiped out a lot of the Incas simply by something that wouldn’t affect themselves, the smallpox disease. The Spanish easily conquered by bringing their disease to this new land. Basically, the geography either lead to domestication (or didn’t), the domestication lead to germs, and the germs lead to death and/or immunity. The geographic location of a civilization controls what they are immune to by whether or not they can domesticate. The Spanish benefited the most because they previously domesticated animals, meaning people got …show more content…

The creation of steel requires 5 things: lots of iron ore, carbon (charcoal), a sustained hot fire, a dry climate, and enough food to be able to have specialists. So naturally, some places (like Spain) are going to be more successful and others (like Inca territory or Papua New Guinea) will not. Geography plays a huge part in the making of steel. Without the natural resources, they can’t make it. Not only the basic ingredients is needed to produce the steel, but a civilization needs to have a stable source of food. If they didn’t have food, they would spend their time making, finding, growing, or hunting to survive. So when there is enough, it leaves time for people to become specialists. Steel specialists experiment with the ore, fire, time, etc. to figure out how steel can be made. The Incas couldn’t produce steel because they were missing one essential ingredient: iron. In turn, when the Spanish attacked, the Incas brittle gold weapons stood no chance. The Spanish, however, had the perfect location for making steel. They had plentiful food, specialists, iron, carbon rich forests, a dry enough climate, and were able to keep a hot fire for days on end. Naturally, they advanced much quicker than the Incas. The natural resources of a civilization’s location determines

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