
Civilization Vs. Savagery In The Lord Of The Flies

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Civilization versus Savagery
The Lord of the Flies is a classic novel written by William Golding in the year of 1954. The novel tells the tale of a group of schoolboys who are miraculously marooned on a desert island after their plane crashes. At first the boys attempt to govern themselves and to keep a grasp on civilization and order; In the beginning the island was very much like their home, but eventually this ideology fades into savagery and brutality. The boys resort to theft, torture and even murder. Although The Lord of the Flies depicts many themes and morals, the underlying theme is the battle between the human impulse towards civilization and savagery. This theme is brilliantly and respectively portrayed by battle of the two characters; Jack and Ralph.

In the beginning there was only the main protagonist Ralph and Piggy, they soon realise that there is a possibility that there may be other survivors and decide to call the others using a conch shell that Ralph and Piggy had found earlier, “Ralph had stopped smiling and was pointing into the lagoon. Something creamy lay among the ferny weeds. [p8]” The conch is blown by Ralph ("We can use this to call the others --” [p9]) Children start to emerge from the bushes including a choir lead by a ginger boy named Jack. Note that they only emerged from hearing the sound of the shell, there were no other instructions, this immediately makes the conch a symbol of law and order. Once everyone is gathered a meeting is called,

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