
Classical Socratic, Socratic And Hellenic Views Of Thought Essay

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Pre-Socratic, Socratic, and Hellenic views of thought are all incorporated in order to provide a holistic explanation of The Greeks’ view towards one’s control of their own life. Even though Greek Philosophy encompasses many different ways of thought, Greek Philosophy assumes a general disproval of one being able to determine the outcomes of their actions. The idea is theoretically possible to some Greek philosophers and schools of thought but assumes complete knowledge of the cosmos and universals, which is also contradicted as being attainable by the same philosophers. Pre-Socratic philosophers tended to seek natural explanations for happenings as Pythagoras does when determining one’s will over the events that occur in their life. Pythagoras’ general association with mathematics is showed in his philosophy. Pythagoras claimed that philosophical inquiries were all explainable by mathematics and physics if given accurate data (Boxing Pythagoras). In theory, Pythagoras says that one can control the occurrences in their life, but in order to they would have to be completely knowledgeable of the physics behind the world and be able to apply it to the particular situation. This also assumes that the data is correct and not obtained through false observation or measurement. According to Pythagoras’ explanation of controlling or predicting future events, it is possible to manipulate physical entities to change the outcome of events. However, by him explaining this concept, he

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