
Classification Essay On Dogs

Decent Essays

There are three types of dogs I like which are the Bichon Frise, Toy Poodle, and the
Shetland Sheepdog. Each of these three dogs are cuddly, cute and fun to play with. My favorite one of the three is the Toy Poodle because he or she makes a great family pet, however all three dogs are very similar in how they act in a home setting as well.
The Bichon Frise is also very cuddly and has curly hair which is silky, soft and its outer coat of hair is coarse and mostly white which is very similar to the poodle. These particular dogs like to go for a daily walk, and they make good companions for our families today. However, many years ago before they were traded among various countries, they were also companions for royal families and sailors.
“This breed is known to have a …show more content…

They love to eat. However, moderate portion sizes one to two times a day is sufficient to meet their dietary requirement. It is advisable to subject them to socialization at an early age, as they can get a little snappy at times.”
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Poodles are cute dogs with long shaggy hair and I really like the white ones. There are all types of poodles, such as the “Standard and Miniature Poodle, Toy Poodle, and the Teacup Poodle which weigh 2 pounds.” They like to live with human families and prefer not to be left alone. The cost of grooming poodles may be expensive to keep their hair cut, and many years ago, they were used by water hunters for hunting purposes. It is recommended to have another pet at home with the poodle when you leave them, so that they don’t become unhappy. (Embrace).
Another one of my favorite dogs is the Shetland Sheepdog which is very gentle yet may bark a lot, he or she likes to be walked for its exercise, and is highly energetic. The Shetland
Sheepdog has a long double coat of straight hair which is usually black, white or tan in color.
“Shetland sheepdogs are known for their gentle, sweet, pleasing personality. They are

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