
Classroom Reflection

Decent Essays

When confronted with learning new and challenging concepts in the field of science, I rely on a variety of strategies to help me make sense of the content material. To begin, during my early educational experience (K-12), I quickly realized that I am a visual and verbal learner, meaning that if I was to truly learn and remember the concepts of a class (and succeed on assessments), I needed to 1) pay attention when the teacher was explaining the content, 2) write down my own notes—both in the form of words and charts/diagrams—and 3) review my notes and other class material frequently. As an undergraduate student, I realized that to be successful, I could not simply rely on my professor’s lectures and those notes, but I also needed to …show more content…

I would spend hours reading and summarizing the concepts presented in the textbooks, making visual organizers to help me connect key ideas, reviewing my lecture notes, and frequently asking questions when I could not figure out the interrelatedness of concepts. Towards the end of the semester, I revised my previously existing thoughts on evolution and realized what my professor had tried to tell us at the beginning of the semester (i.e. experienced a conceptual change). I didn’t have to choose a side. I could keep my faith and accept the theory of evolution at the same time. Science and religion do not have to be at war, because science deals with natural phenomena, while religion deals with the existence of supernatural entities. As a first and second year teacher, I soon became aware that there were concepts I was expected to teach that I did not know anything about, and the

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