
Essay On Moving Alone

Decent Essays

I tied my boat off and started to climb the steep cliffs. I knew that no one had lived to tell what was beyond the clouds, but I still climbed. My body grew weak and doubt started to fill my head. I continued to climb until I reached the top. Finally I grabbed the last rock and felt the flat land under my hand. My heart dropped and I couldn't believe I made it to the top. I was confused because I saw nothing but blue sky and dirt. I walked down the trail and came upon an old rusted metal sign in the middle of the dirt trail. It said "Enter at your own risk." Fear came over me as thoughts of my brother who never returned from his quest to find what was on top of the cliff. I had to make a decision. Each pathway had an old weathered door and …show more content…

Finally, I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts to calm my nerves. It finally opened . I slowly walked through the doorway. I was extremely worried about what I was going to find. The door slowly closed behind me with a loud screeching noise. There was a little brown box that had a cute yellow ribbon tied around . It had a sign next to it saying , " please place the key here. " I bent down slowly placing the key in the box . Finally, I turned around and to my surprise I was seeing the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. It was like I was looking at the happiest place on earth. My body had this amazing warm feeling come over it. I saw beautiful waterfalls of every color imaginable. There were amazing flowers and trees that had birds singing the most soothing sounds. The walkway was made of glitter and with each step it changed color. I looked up and the clouds were the color cotton candy, so big and fluffy. I said to myself, ” I never want to leave this place”. I was so overwhelmed with what I was seeing that I tripped over a rope that was leading to a glass container that had a letter in it . Mhhm , “I wonder what this could be”. I picked up the letter reading it out loud, “The time has come, You have entered the happiest door on earth that really isn't that pleasant. Never judge something by its appearance. We have had

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