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In the world of English teaching, each new approach that arises is considered innovative and offers new solutions to the problems its predecessor could not solve. Nowadays, the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is the most common approach used in the world; however, there are certain aspects that could be improved such as disposable content, the lack of functional logic and conceptual continuity. These weak points have caused the search for a new approach. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is the new approach …show more content…

Whereas plurilingualism is fostered in the EU, the reality in Perú about linguistic policy is completely different. In Perú, there is an enormous difference in the quality of education between the public and private schools. In the former, it is mandatory to teach English only 2 hours per week in the high school whereas in the latter, students are exposed to more than 2 hours per week and in some cases, the schools are bilingual. In addition to the difference of teaching hours, there is also a huge difference in other topics such as materials, infrastructure, methodology, teachers’ proficiency and training, teachers’ salary among others. These differences have an impact on students’ learning.

While the implementation of CLIL in the EU is imminent, there are some issues to consider regarding Peruvian educational context. First, culture is an important issue to contemplate. We agree with the idea that there´s a cultural bias in every culture. There are some expressions in the L2 that can be a barrier in the process of teaching or learning as they cannot be translated easily into the other language. There are cultural aspects in both languages that can be problematic to define or comprehend due to subjective and contextual interpretations. For that reason, some people think that teaching a subject through an L2 language that has its own cultural baggage is

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