
Climate Change Affects People 's Habitat And Safety

Decent Essays

Climate change is a serious issue for humanity and all the living creatures on the earth. These days, more and more scientists and climatologists indicate that the climate and our environment are suffering from huge changes. For all humanity, the influences become more and more significant. Climate change affects people’s habitat and safety. Why is climate important to us? Because of climate change, people may live in an unfavorable situation. Climate may affect whole ecosystems, not only human, but also other living creatures. For instance, the sea ecology may change because of the climate. When the ecosystems encounter damage, people cannot avoid the effects. Food supply, fresh air, and clean water may be affected which directly influence our survival needs. These natural resources and living conditions may all disappear over time.

Researchers have found much evidence pointing to climate change. Based on NASA’s website, there is some evidence of climate change, such as sea level rise, global temperature rise, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, glacial retreat, etc. All of these are the direct indications that our earth and climate are changing. Unfortunately, people don’t know how exactly to deal with the phenomenon. Most of the researchers mention that we can just retard the impacts of climate change, but we cannot solve it.

In this project, I want to identify the two arguments from both sides, which are man-made factors and natural factors of climate change. It

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