
Close Learning Argument Essay

Decent Essays

As technology has advanced, it has been able to bring change and benefits to different areas of society. It has also created more ways to benefit the higher education system. One important change in the higher education system is the creation of more online classes. An example is in the form of livestreaming an actual lecture to students either on a computer or a television. These courses are called MOOC’s, or massive open online courses. Even though these types of courses have proven to have benefits for many students, others disagree with these benefits and make the argument that these courses could lead to less proper processing of information and decrease the individuality of being present in an actual classroom. One person who makes this claim is Scott L. Newstock, an associate professor of English at Rhodes College teaching Shakespeare, who pleas for people to develop what he calls “close learning” instead of primarily using MOOC’s in his article titled A Plea for “Close Learning” (Inside Higher Ed, 7/11/13). After conducting a careful and thorough analysis, it can be confidently stated that Newstock’s article is rhetorically effective. Within the article, Newstock possesses the ability to provide a significant amount of evidence to help support his claim. He …show more content…

Even though he isn’t against all forms of technology, he is also able to argue that the form of close learning “is entirely compatible with engaging in meaningful conversations outside the classroom.” He uses examples of using e-mail to communicate regularly with his students and has even started using many different forms of media. He has been able to appeal to not only the professionals who may read this article, but also to current college students who are deciding if online courses would be best for them and want to see both sides of this particular

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