
Clueless: Movie Analysis

Decent Essays

In the film Clueless (1995), there is a scene when Cherilyn “Cher” walks from the street to her house, and she is talking to herself in her head about all Josh, her friend Tai and other guys. Two-Factory Theory of Emotion, a two-step process which the individuals feeling physiologically aroused and they try to find the right explanation for the situation (Aronson, Wilson, and Akert, 2013), is showing in this scene because Cher goes from an ambiguous stage about Josh to a conclusion that she loves Josh. At first, Cher is having negative attitude about Josh, but as her complaints going on, she tries to find the right explanation to her feeling. In this situation, Cher feel uneasy about herself as to why she keeps thinking about Josh, even though she thinks that he is a like a “slug” that hanging around her house. At the end, she admits to herself that she stresses about all the time Josh because she is in love with him …show more content…

As Cher talks in her head, she also compares herself with her friend Tai. She says things Tai could not do to Josh, such a “Josh needs someone with imagination, someone to take care of him, and he needs someone to laugh at his jokes…” Cher ignores that fact that Josh lives with her and her father and that she is from a rich family where she can get everything she wants. In addition, the term downward social comparison, when we are comparing ourselves to people who worse off than we are so we can feel better about our situation (Aronson et al., 2013), is used in this scene as well. Cher wants to feel good about herself and therefore she is using the downward social comparison. As spoiled Valley girl type, she believes that she has the ability to make Josh happy. She is comparing herself to her friend Tai, the ugly

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