
Coach Boone Character Analysis

Decent Essays

6) As we discussed in class, informal leaders often emerge within organizations and can often have just as much impact/influence over a group as formal leaders. Identify one informal leader who emerged on the team. Provide specific examples from the movie, which illustrates their informal leadership. I also want you to describe what qualities your player had, which illustrates their informal leadership.
I also want you to describe what qualities your player has which led you to identify him as an informal leader. (3)

In the movie there were many people who could be described as an informal leader, but the most stand out informal leader was Rev. Rev was an informal leader for many reasons throughout the movie but the most prevalent was his …show more content…

Provide two examples from the movie, which illustrate his caring and supportive attitude toward his players. Explain the significance of your examples. (2)
Coach Boone did care a lot about his players. The main example from the movie is undoubtedly when he helped Lastik to become eligible for post-secondary. This shows tremendous support of the players and true caring for them as well. Coach Boone was able to see that Lastik was a good player and could be successful if he put his mind to it so he, as a leader, stepped up and helped Lastik to not only create a personal goal but also provided the means to support and achieve it by having Lastik bring his test scores at the end of each week.
Additionally, Coach Boone showed true caring for the team when Rev broke his hand during a game and couldn’t throw anymore. Coach Boone brought in Sunshine as the new Quarterback and he didn’t believe in himself that he could make the pitch that was required. Coach Boone gave Sunshine a very inspirational speech about how he had to stand up and take care of his family after his parents died and Sunshine had to do the same for his team now, stand up and help them succeed. Boone illustrated here that he not only knew what needed to be said he also showed that he cared and supported Sunshine because …show more content…

At the beginning this was a detriment to the players because they strongly disliked one another, breaking out in fights and screaming matches over little things like posters being hung up and bullying others out of beds. This was a success at the end of the camp though because it helped the players understand one another and when you’re forced to live with someone you might not like with the sole reason being their skin color, once you get to know them as a person you are more likely to be tolerant of them and ignore the pigment of their skin, which is exactly what

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